Staff Directory


Photo of Jody Cook

Jody Cook

Assistant Principal

Photo of Eryn White

Eryn White

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Jody Pollard

Ms. Jody Pollard

Photo of Denise Sparks

Denise Sparks


Photo of Trish Thomas

Trish Thomas

Academic Counsellors

Photo of Sandra Grunow

Sandra Grunow


Photo of Mary-Claire Belanger

Mary-Claire Belanger

Photo of Katherine Campbell

Katherine Campbell

Photo of Kurt Caron

Kurt Caron

Photo of Chris Demeule

Chris Demeule

Photo of Mary Frank

Mary Frank

Photo of Meredith Gingrich

Meredith Gingrich

Photo of Alysha Grosky

Alysha Grosky

Photo of Sandra Grunow

Sandra Grunow

Photo of Jill Guy

Jill Guy

Photo of Travis Hartl

Travis Hartl

Photo of Kjirsten Hoveland

Kjirsten Hoveland

Photo of Dustin Martin

Dustin Martin

Photo of Jess Oracheski

Jess Oracheski

Photo of Donald Spencer

Donald Spencer

Photo of Lori Steele

Lori Steele

Photo of Kara Waddell

Kara Waddell

Educational Assistants

Photo of Leeann Fisher

Leeann Fisher

Photo of Pearl-Ann Gooding

Pearl-Ann Gooding

Photo of Ronda LaHaye

Ronda LaHaye

Photo of Judy Large

Judy Large

placeholder image for Kari Nichol

Kari Nichol

Photo of Tammy Sparks

Tammy Sparks

Inclusive Learning

Photo of Kjirsten Hoveland

Kjirsten Hoveland

Social Emotional Coaches

Photo of Janet Flynn

Janet Flynn

Social Emotional Coach (SEC)

Phone: 780-842-4481

placeholder image for Gillian Morrison

Gillian Morrison

Social Emotional Coach

Phone: 780-842-4481


placeholder image for Lacy Boxell

Lacy Boxell

placeholder image for Ludy Mayuga

Ludy Mayuga

Photo of Taylor Pilat

Taylor Pilat

Photo of Melissa Wakaruk

Melissa Wakaruk

Contact Staff Member